About 65% population of this region is directly or indirectly involved in agriculture activities. The problems faced by them are numerous like small and fragmented land holding, non-availability of labor, quality seeds, dependence on middlemen and local traders, bank finance, insurance issues, non-availability of water for irrigation, etc.
Promoting sustainable growth in agriculture and horticulture sectors will be a priority for the chamber. This is to be carried out on all ecological, economic and social fronts. The traditional and conventional farm practices are not sustainable. The issues that need to be addressed are modern practices, alternate products, storage & transport infrastructure, use of newer technologies, value-added products, channels of distribution and market access, access to financial services, risk mitigation, etc.
NKCCA takes various initiatives like workshops on value-added agriculture-based products, cultivation of exotic vegetables, Sericulture, as an alternate revenue source, etc. Also, the chamber makes representation to Government authorities on various issues like no availability of water, crop insurance, etc.