NKCCA delegation handing over request letter to Ex-State Minister Mr. Ashish Shelar and Mrs. Manisha A. Chaudhary, MLA for expediting Government support to all farmers who have suffered due to Tauktae Cyclone in North Konkan Region

Our North Konkan Region was recently devastated by recent Taukate cyclone. All farm produces like fruits, vegetables & other cultivation was totally destroyed. Infrastructures like shed nets, farm sheds have been completely destroyed. This is another blow to our farmers who are already have been battered by COVID, non-remunerable returns, middle-man exploitations, fund paucity etc.
Ex State Minister, Mr. Ashish Shelar & Mrs. Manisha A. Chaudhary, MLA visited our area to assess the losses. Mr. Nimish Save (Convener- NKCCA Agricultural Committee) and his colleagues met these dignitaries and handed over request letter for expediting Government support to all farmers who have suffered due to Tauktae Cyclone. NKCCA requested for financial compensation for the tremendous economic losses incurred by all North Konkan Region farmers. Thanks for Mr. Prabhakar Save (Chairman-NKCCA Agricultural Committee) for his contribution for preparing the representation.

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